Tuesday, August 4, 2009


This is my very first post in my very first web-log! Often I find myself looking back at situations in my day to day life, or at broader topics in the world, and wishing I had said more about them. This blog is so I can address topics with the clarity and benefit of hindsight. If I were a bit more clever I would have said these things the first time around. Since I'm not I'll just have to blog about them.

Mostly I will be talking about the things that effect me the most so I suppose its only fair to say a little about myself. My name is Ellie, I am twenty eight years old and I am a trans women. I am also a lesbian so I imagine a large number of the topics I pick to write about will have to do with the TG and the LGBT communities. While that is a large part of me it certainly isn't all there is. I also plan to talk about friendship, politics, consumer advice, and anything else really that would have been really nifty if I had thought of it just a bit sooner.

I hope to entertain and inform so thanks for taking the time out to look at my little blog.