Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Last time I made a post it caused a bit kerfuffle so I sort of stopped posting. I am not going to be one of those bloggers who starts every post by apologizing for not posting for whatever period of time. Sometimes I have things to say and sometimes I don't.

Today was Father's Day. A lot happened actually. I managed to have a fairly long cheerfully toned conversation with my father. It was great. We talked about golf and me applying to be a fellow with the Obama campaign and Mom's trip. It was a normal conversation. Part of me gets depressed that something as simple as a conversation can be a cause for celebration but mostly I'll just take what I can get.

A friend of mine who is like family to me wished me a happy Fathers Day. WTF was that about. I should have said it was weird and made me uncomfortable, but of course I didn't. I Have NO idea what her thought process was or even if she had one behind it, but it really wasn't a good feeling when it happened.

Normally I try to use this space to say what I should have said after an experience I have learned from. This keeps this blog from being just a glorified livejournal post. Here though, I'm not sure what I should have said. I just feel like I should dread calling my Dad and shouldn't rejoice what it doesn't blow up in my face. When someone makes me uncomfortable in a gendered situation I feel like I should be strong enough and self assure enough to say SOMETHING even if it is just, "Dude, not cool."

Anyways, Happy Father's Day